I have all three different sparkles on hover!!
Rollover me to see the default options.
or me! images can appear!
any image you WANT!
I have gravity!
🙁 I have nothing. 🙁
Rollover me to see the default options.
🙁 I have nothing. 🙁
download the plugin here
Add it to your html, and also add jQuery if you do not already have it
Instantiate it on any object, using jQuery:
Parametize it!
colors : ['#297E97', "#2EB8D5",'#36BEC1'],
num_sprites: 22,
lifespan: 3000,
radius: 500,
sprite_size: 40,
shape: 'circle',
image: 'http://loganchamber.org/files/Pumplin.jpg'
Options are: